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Online Studies
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Wicca?
- Wicca is an earth-centered
religion. Wiccans follow the Wiccan Rede (An it harm none, do
as you will), the Rule of Return (whatever you do comes back
to you threefold), and believe in a God and a Goddess. General
guidelines about the laws that Wiccans follow
are also available. Here are some suggested sites for finding
out more about the Wiccan religion:
The Celtic Connection, http://www.wicca.com
Wicca on the Web, http://www.wicca.net
Witches' Voice, http://www.witchvox.com
What is NorthWind?
- NorthWind is an eclectic teaching tradition of American Wicca.
NorthWind teaches formal classes, with the end goal being
studying towards a degree or simply
understanding more about Wicca. More information about
NorthWind's history can be found.
What is a "teaching tradition?"
- NorthWind Tradition of Wicca was founded to help teach the
growing number of people rediscovering Neo-Pagan religions. A
large portion of the tradition's focus is centered on
How many people contact NorthWind for classes?
- We receive approximately 2-3 inquiries per day. Granted,
it may not sound like a great volume. However, there are only
two or three online teachers who conduct one or two classes per
week, in addition to our family lives, jobs, etc.
How often do classes form?
- Classes tend to form when there are enough students and an
available teacher. This can be any where from one week after
you contact NorthWind to several months. Online classes tend
to take a little longer than local classes to coordinate. Generally,
online classes may deal with other students across several time
zones. Figuring out a common schedule can take more time. However,
if you are accepted as a student, you will be given projects
to work on until formal classes start.
Where are classes held?
- Classes are held locally in East Tennessee, and online.
We currently have students in California, Florida, Georgia,
Tennessee, Israel, and Italy.
What are classes like?
- Classes take two forms: online and in-person (available only
where there is a NorthWind teacher). Online classes use a chat/instant
messaging program, like ICQ
or Yahoo Messenger, to hold
weekly or bimonthly meetings. There is also an online
community for NorthWind students at E-Circles.
Whether you are in-person or online, we try to make sure that
every student receives individual attention and thorough training.
How do I become a student?
- Chances are, if you have searched the Internet enough to
find this tradition, then you have probably been searching for
a path. If, after reading the materials on this site, NorthWind
feels right to you, then you are welcome to email
for more information about classes. If, at any time, you
feel that NorthWind no longer feels right, then we will do our
best to help you find your path. We also ask that you respond
to a New Student Questionnaire.
What qualifications do I need in order to become a First
Degree student?
- Almost anyone who is sincerely interested may join a NorthWind
First Degree class. We ask for a few basic things from students:
- You must be over 18 years of age.
- You must be willing to meet the student
responsibilities. In addition, if you are interested in studying
via correspondence or online, there are additional
- You must be willing to spend the time and really study. Don't
be fooled. While you may only be in class two hours or so per
week, you can expect to spend twice reading materials, doing
assignments, and working on independent projects. Teachers spend
an equal amount of time preparing for class and researching materials,
- You must be freely available to study. If you are currently
studying or active in another esoteric or Wiccan tradition, you
must have written permission of your high priest or priestess
before you may study with NorthWind. This may seem a bit
tedious, but in the long run it helps prevent any misunderstandings
or claims of "student stealing."
What if I have studied with another tradition?
- If you have studied with another tradition, then you and
your teacher will need to discuss where you are in your studies.
If I have been initiated as a First Degree with another
tradition, may I also study towards a NorthWind First Degree?
- Once you have received your First Degree, then you are an
initiate, and that magickal moment in your life can never be
repeated. If you are interested in studying with NorthWind, contact us.
I'm interested in studying for my next degree. What do I
do now?
- NorthWind considers upper degree students on an individual
basis. You would be welcome to submit
a request for consideration.