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First Degree Studies
Outline of Formal Classes
Please keep in mind that these classes may not be presented in
this order.
1. Wiccans, Pagans, Druids, and Other Peculiar People.
- A brief survey of the contemporary scene with
an even briefer foray into the history and mystique of the origins
of Witchcraft.
2. What is Wicca?
- A short historical survey of the emergence of
the modern Wicca, comments on its relationship to paleo-pagan
religions, and some modern Wiccan traditions.
3. Generalized Wiccan Ritual.
- Explanation of tools and terms. The basics of
ritual. NorthWind Ritual.
4. Doing Ritual - in two parts.
- Part A: Smudging, Tobacco ties, introduction
to some of the Native American practices of NorthWind.
- Part B: The basics of NorthWind ritual, altar
setup. Time of the first ritual for student participation. The
NorthWind Frame of the Ritual and the three Moon rituals are
given to you at this time.
5. Laws of Wicca.
- Ethics. Enclosure include the Covenant of the
Goddess statement of ethics; Judy Harrow, ìThat Old Black
Magic;î Tony Kellyís ìPagan Musings;î
and Principles of Wiccan Belief.
6. Pagan Manners.
- Good manners in and out of circles.
7. God, Goddess, and Community.
- The life of a Coven; NorthWindís approach
to deities.
8. What is Magick?
- Affirmations of Power, Pendulum. Enclosure include
articles on Channeling, The Problem of Magick, On Fantasy and
Real Life.
9. Symbolism.
- Numerology, Planetary hours, tables of symbols.
10. Magickal Personality.
- The Four Element personality profile and balancing
act. Affirmations from Amber K.
11. Ritual Cleansing, Aspecting.
- Clearing oneís self and habitat of unwelcome
influences. Learning to let the Powers into yourself. Enclosures
from Ben Sharp.
12. Vision Quest.
- Going into the silence. Reasons for doing a quest
or vigil and how it is done.
13. Working with the Power.
- Aura work, healing, and protective techniques.
14. On Turtle Island.
- American Indian elements, prayer sticks, tobacco
ties, pipe, working with totems, drums, shields, masks, spirit
bag, etc.
15. Clearing the Channels of Power.
- Integration of the three parts of Self.
16. The Wheel of the Year.
- Elemental and mystical associations with the
Sabbat. Structure of the annual celebratory cycle.
17. Divination.
- A brief look at several systems of divination.
18. Tools of Magick.
- Making, attuning, and dedicating magickal tools.
19. Elementary Herbalism (Magick only).
- Using herbs appropriately for ritual and spell
working, planetary correspondences.
20. Time.
- Movement of the Moon and Sun, Calendars, Moon
phase chart.
21. Sex and Sacrifice.
- The Great Rite, the symbolic Great Rite, animal
and blood sacrifice. Additional materials on appropriate sexual
mores and behavior in Pagan groups.
22. Getting ready for Initiation.
- What is initiation and what should you expect
to get out of it. Ken Ra materials.
23. When the Shit Hits the Prayer Fan.
- Brief warning and advisory on the changes in
your life which may be expected once you take up the study of
Intensive Program
These additional workshops may be offered, and are taught locally.
What is NorthWind?
- A trip inside the heads of the Founder and some
of the earliest students. A short history of NorthWind and a
review of its goals and purposes.
Ritual Theater.
- How to use voice, visualization, gestures, pacing
to increase the magickal effect of ritual. The need for initiate
and responsibility in ritual.
Ritual and Magick.
- NorthWind tends to work most of its Magick through
the technique of ritual. Why, How, Who, What, When, Where.
American Indian Skills and Philosophy.
- Sweatlodge and fire tending; tobacco ties, making
and use; smudging; the medicine wheel and the sacred circle.
Dance and Music in Ritual.
- The use of music, drumming, dance, and other
movement to increase the power and effectiveness of ritual.
Creating Ritual.
- How to know if it is time to do a ritual. What
sort of ritual? How to write ritual.
The Stone Peoples.
- NorthWindís concept of the words Community
and Brother/Sisterhood. Rites of Passage, when who, why; More
on the God, Goddess, and Community concept of deity.