1997 Summer Magick Summer Solstice, June 20-22, 1997
- Join us this Summer Solstice for Summer Magick, a gathering for NorthWind members and others in the Pagan community! The gathering will be held 30 miles west of Knoxville. Plenty of special activities are planned, including a Wiccan University, handfastings, workshops, rituals, merchanting, and many other exciting events.
- On Friday, the Wiccan University, a continuing education seminar, will open with a discussion on the nature of Wiccan Deity. On Saturday, workshops are planned on group dynamics, conflict resolution and Pagan relationships. A limited number of workshop spaces are available. If you ha ve workshop ideas, please send a summary to Wren or Grey Cat at the address below. A pot luck dinner has been planned for Saturday night.
- No fee for merchanting will be charged. Donations will be gladly accepted. There will be a benefit yard sale for the gathering, items for sale will include craft items and computer goodies.
- For the gathering to be fully enjoyed by all, we will need plenty of voluntee rs. Several people have graciously offered to help, but critical positions remain available. In addition to the jobs listed below, everyone will be expected to pitch in and help with a two hour volunteer shift. Coordinators are needed for: site preparatio n, child care, herald, support meeting, site closing, merchanting, Wiccan University, parking, fire watch, Saturday evening entertainment, and other positions. Please include a note in your gathering registration listing your preference for a volunteer du ty.
- The fees for 1997 Summer Magick are:
Individual Couple General Admission
$17.00 $25.00 NorthWind Associates
$12.50 $20.00
- Discount for carpooling is $1; 5th person in a group saves $2.50; 10th person in a group saves $5; a limited number of scholarships avail able, ask Wren or Grey Cat. Please make all checks payable to "NorthWind".
- Pre-registration is required. You will not be admitted without your validated entry pass! Early registration is strongly encouraged. Attendance is limited to available space, especially in regard to parking. Please carpool if you can. The fewer vehicles at the site, the more people can attend.
- Make sure you bring appropriate clothing for hot, cold and wet weather.
- Water will not be available on-site, so have enough water for showering and drinking.
- Small children, pets and familiars are welcome as long as they are kept under control at all times.
- Large vehicles, RVs, campers etc. are not allowed to the site.
- Fires for cooking and enjoyment can be lit only in established fire pits.
- Do not bring illegal substances or firearms. Alcohol is permitted so l ong as it is used sensibly. Drunken parties, disorderly conduct, or possession or use of illegal substances will result in dismissal from the site.
- Click here to see the registration form.
- Send your registration form to:
NorthWind 3410 Solway Road Knoxville, TN 37931
- You will receive an information package with entry pass(es) upon receipt of this entry form.